Friday, September 23, 2011

Where did my little man go?

Seriously, I know everyone says this ALL THE TIME, but how the heck has Carter gotten so big??!!  My friend Chris sent me some pictures from her phone and I just can't believe how much he has changed.  He went from having a little bit of dark hair, to no hair, to a full head of BLONDE hair.  And now he won't let me cuddle him unless he is asleep.  No wonder people having multiple kids, I want my baby back!  But of course, we are having so much fun with him these days.  He is on the move and is really wanting to walk.  He laughs at all of my dumb jokes, and LOVES to be in the water.  He does a lot of "talking" unless there are a lot of people around.  He gets pretty shy around a group... he definitely gets that one honest!  He is my little blonde hair, blue eyed baby that doesn't look anything like me, but stole every piece of my heart.  And to add to the list of cliche things people say, "I can't imagine what life was like before him".  See how much he has changed in just a little over 9 months:

CRAZY, right???  I am already starting to get ready for his big first birthday in will be here before we know it!  Hope everyone is well.  Have a great weekend...Go Jackets, Go Eagles, and Go Irish!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Empty Promises

Okay, I mean it this time.  I am going to be better about updating my blog!  My wonderful husband got me an Ipad for my 30th birthday a few weeks ago, so now I have no excuse!  Today is Jamie's 31st birthday, I just turned 30, Carter will be 9 months old tomorrow, and a lot has been going on in our household!!!  I will try and back track and do some catching up, but it might just be better to start fresh.  We are still in the process of moving in our new house...that's right, we are not in the condo anymore!!  We are renting a house in Marietta and REALLY enjoying our new space.  We just got back from a birthday/graduation celebration for Jamie in Savannah.  Carter went to his first Tech football game last week.  Jamie and my wonderful friends and family threw me a surprise 30th birthday party.  Jamie graduated with his MBA from Georgia Tech.  I could go on and on, but I'm sure y'all will find of of that boring.  Instead I will update with some new pictures tomorrow when I take Carter's 9 month photo.  I hope y'all haven't given up on me...I'm turning over a new leaf :o)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm trying!

I have tried 3 times now to update my blog and it won't let me upload pictures.  It says there is "maintenance on the site".  Awesome.  So until I get to upload, use this link to see our new pictures.  Enjoy!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Falling Behind

Being back at work has made me a bad blogger....sorry!  I will be catching up on LOTS of things this weekend and lots of pictures, stay tuned!

**CRolls is 4 months old today!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A New Do

I took a plunge and went for the "mom do".  Just kidding, but really I chopped my hair.  Monday I went with my mom and I cut about 12 inches off my hair and had it straightened.  I donated my ponytail to Locks of Love, so I hope it finds a loving new home!  Hopefully with my hair straight and short I will be able to get ready faster (keep your fingers crossed), and it won't fall in Carter's face while I hold him.  When you get it straightened you can't wash it for 3 days, so I get to start my first day of work on that third day!  They are going to think I gave up showering on my maternity leave, ha!  I hope it stays this straight and shiny when I actually get to do it myself  :o)



What a Champ

Carter did fantastic at daycare!  We get a report at the end of the day and Mrs. Nona showed us some pictures she took of him.  They have something called the Bye Bye is pretty much a huge stroller that all of the infants can go ride around in (it is so cute, I will take a picture of it).  Mrs. Nona said he LOVED it and showed me pictures of his laughing while riding in it.  Seriously one of the cutest pictures I have ever seen of him.  She also said he loved watching the older kids play and was mesmerized by the big kids.  And today they took him into the atrium in the bye bye buggy to watch the big rain.  As much as I hate leaving him I am so glad he is doing well.  Tomorrow I start work....hope I remember how to do everything :o)

First day of handsome!

So tired when he gets home.  Both days he has fallen asleep before we even get to the car and takes a long nap, sweet!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dooms Day

The dreaded day as was Carter's first day of daycare.  Jamie has a Horizon's school is his building at work so Carter will be tagging along with daddy everyday.  We have heard fantastic things about this daycare/school and it will be great that Jamie is so close and can visit him as much as he wants.  It would only be better if I worked in the building as well :)  Carter will also have buddies there....our friends Chris and Grant's son Mac will be starting this summer and our friends George and Danielle have a little girl starting at the same time.  I am fully aware that this will be good for him and he will be well taken care of, however it did not make this morning any easier.  I start work on Thursday but I wanted to ease Carter into this transition so he is going half days for the first two days while he gets his feet wet...okay, okay it's b/c I needed two days to adjust.  It's been an emotional day but I have done better than I thought.  I went in this morning for his first day and he fell asleep in my arms before I left....obviously it was hard for me to put him in his bed and walk away.  Just writing this post I am getting teary eyed so I am going to go pick him up.  I'm sure it gets easier everyday so wish me luck!  Starting soon his aunt Stacy is going to keep him two days a week so that will also be a transition.  I am grateful to have wonderful family and friends that help us out with our little man!!  On the way to GP I am going to stop and buy a lotto ticket just in case....I'm not losing hope on this stay at home mom thing, haha!!