That's right, we were out on the town today....okay, so we were running errands but that counts for me right now! We went to lunch first and Carter did great. He stayed in his car seat and slept the entire time. Then we did our weekly trip to Kroger...again Carter slept in the car seat. Jamie and I couldn't quite figure out how to make the car seat fit in the front of the cart though, so after a few attempts to make it work we eventually put the entire thing in the back of the buggy. That made it easy, but didn't leave any room for groceries, haha. Oh well...we will figure it out. We ran a few more errands and he did a great job. I have the green light to start driving again next week so hopefully we will be spending more time out of the house! At least if we are stuck indoors still for a few more days we have the new furniture. After rearranging the den today it looks fantastic and we love having the bigger couch!
I had my doctor appointment on Friday to have my staples removed...everyone was right, it wasn't as bad as it sounded. It didn't hurt at all minus a few pinches. Chris is an amazing friend and took me to my appointment. She drove me there, waited for an hour with me, and then waited another hour while I was being seen....yes, you read that right, we were there for over 2 hours. Unless I have the first appointment of the day I end up waiting a LONG time!! So glad I don't have to go every week anymore! Chris watched Carter in the waiting room and they had some bonding time. And to top the day off she even let me take a nap when we got home...seriously, what an amazing friend. I will be paying her back in April after Baby Chiles gets here!
It has been so nice for Jamie to be home with us all weekend! We are all very sad that he has to go back to work tomorrow :( Life is a lot easier when there are two of us! Thank goodness it is a short work week and then we get him back. Now if I could just figure out a way to win the lottery we wouldn't have to dread Sunday nights so much.
Okay, we are watching the Survivor finale and trying to get Carter to call it a night. Hope everyone has a great night! Go Falcons!
I could never figure out the shopping cart thing either! I am too short to see over the carseat when he was on the top, but no room for groceries when he was in the cart...I just started wearing him. I also found less people touched him when he was on my body. Good luck!