Friday, December 3, 2010

The dreaded bedrest :(

That's right, they put me on bedrest today. I went to the doctor for my weekly check-up this morning. I have actually been feeling great lately (after a few weeks of having trouble walking b/c Embry's head has been sitting on my pelvic bone). And I have been totally healthy thus far, but today's news wasn't as good. My blood pressure was up really high for me. My bp is traditionally really low (under 109 while prego, and even lower before I was prego), but today it was 130. They usually get concerned with anything over 140, but that is a big jump for me. Plus I had traces of blood and protein in my urine. So, they sent me to the hospital to run some more tests to make sure I didn't have severe preclampsia or toximia. Apparently with these conditions you can go from feeling fine to very sick in a short period of time and not even realize it.

When I got to the hospital they drew blood and hooked me up to a bp monitor as well as a monitor to watch the baby's heartbeat. Then I got to sit there for 2 hours waiting for the results. If things looked bad they were going to induce. Good news is they didn't induce and the labs looked good. Bad news is I'm on bedrest to make sure my bp doesn't get any higher. I go back on Monday morning for another check-up. I will be 39 weeks on Tuesday so I am totally fine with inducing and getting this show on the road. If not, I'm going to get a laptop from work so I have something to do all week. So long and short of it....I am bored laying in bed all day, but still aware that it could be worse and very thankful Embry appears to still be doing well!

For everyone that made fun of me for not keeping up with this blog earlier you will probably be annoyed with all of my posts that are about to come :o) If anyone is bored and wants to watch some DVD's with me come on over!!

1 comment:

  1. CA -
    Sorry to hear about the bed rest but at least you can watch Christmas movies and falalala lifetime all day ;) Give me a call if you need anything...and Robert and I have an extensive movie collection if you need to borrow something.

    Kelly (k-wy)
