Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dooms Day

The dreaded day as come....today was Carter's first day of daycare.  Jamie has a Horizon's school is his building at work so Carter will be tagging along with daddy everyday.  We have heard fantastic things about this daycare/school and it will be great that Jamie is so close and can visit him as much as he wants.  It would only be better if I worked in the building as well :)  Carter will also have buddies there....our friends Chris and Grant's son Mac will be starting this summer and our friends George and Danielle have a little girl starting at the same time.  I am fully aware that this will be good for him and he will be well taken care of, however it did not make this morning any easier.  I start work on Thursday but I wanted to ease Carter into this transition so he is going half days for the first two days while he gets his feet wet...okay, okay it's b/c I needed two days to adjust.  It's been an emotional day but I have done better than I thought.  I went in this morning for his first day and he fell asleep in my arms before I left....obviously it was hard for me to put him in his bed and walk away.  Just writing this post I am getting teary eyed so I am going to go pick him up.  I'm sure it gets easier everyday so wish me luck!  Starting soon his aunt Stacy is going to keep him two days a week so that will also be a transition.  I am grateful to have wonderful family and friends that help us out with our little man!!  On the way to GP I am going to stop and buy a lotto ticket just in case....I'm not losing hope on this stay at home mom thing, haha!!


  1. Never lose hope! I buy a lotto ticket every week. Hehe!!! :) Hope Carter did well today---I'm sure he did! It's a LOT harder on Mommy than the baby (at least in my case). Thinking about you!!!

  2. Don't worry Aunt Tina is only 8 floors away and soon enough I'll be the one crying having to leave both of them there!!! I'm glad I got to see him today ;)
