Monday, January 31, 2011

Beautiful Weekend

FINALLY some good weather!!  It is so much easier to get out of the house with Carter when the weather is nice!  This weekend the 4 of us broke out the jogging stroller and spent some time in the park.  It was too crowded at Piedmont to actually run, but we did have a great walk and spent some much needed time at the dog park. And Sunday Kili and I went for a run just the two of us, and C Rolls and Jamie went to the tennis match at GT.  CR loves the BOB stroller....he better!  Hope everyone enjoyed the good weather.  Here are some pictures of little man, enjoy:

Carter with his Honey

Finally got a smile on camera

Early Valentine's Day present from Honey

Look at that belly!

Found his thumb (which doesn't make mom and dad happy)

And lost his thumb

Look at that face :o)

Ready to go to the park

That's what Carter thinks of the cold weather

Kili and C Rolls sharing the crib

Date Night

Jamie and I make a point to have a date night at least once a week.  Usually we go to dinner and take Carter with us, but this week we went alone!  Saturday my sister, Stacy, and my niece, Carson, came over and watched little man and Kili while we were gone.  First we went to Atlantic Station for a little shopping.  Then we headed over to Bone Garden Cantina for some mexican food and margaritas.  Food and drinks were fantastic, however we did have to leave half a pitcher of margaritas on the table...I am a light weight after 9 months without a drink, and Jamie had to drive us home, ha!!  All in all it was a great night and we were grateful for some adult conversation!  Dates with my wonderful husband will NEVER get old :)

The wonderful babysitters!

Mom and Dad heading out

Sunday, January 23, 2011

C Rolls

One of Carter's many nicknames :o)  Not much to update on Carter.  He is doing great and waking up to the world more and more everyday.  Here are a few pics of my sweet baby:

 He makes the best faces when he is waking up

Hanging out in the crib

Love my activity mat

Great shirt from Blair, it says "I can quit anytime I want" and it has a pacifer

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Lots of birthdays this month!  First was our sweet niece Makenna turned 2!  We went to Carmen and Robert's house to celebrate Miss Makenna's birthday and we all had a great time.  Her cousin Carter even snuck some candy into birthday present :o)  Next was Grammy's birthday (Jamie's mom).  Her birthday was the same day as Makenna's birthday party...Happy Birthday Grammy!  Then it was my wonderful niece,Carson's 11th birthday!  I was lucky enough to be invited to her spend the night party at the lake.  So I took off and headed to South Carolina for a night while Jamie took care of Carter...thank you Jamie!!  And finally Kelly Jacobs turned 30, and the 3 of us went to her birthday party at La Prilla.  It was so great to see all of our friends and celebrate a great friends birthday!  I had a wonderful time at all of the parties, and I hope everyone had a great birthday!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day 2011

I can't believe all of the snow/ice we have here in Georgia!!  Our street is a sheet of ice and Jamie can't get out to go to work, so he has worked from home for the past 2 days.  It has been great to have him home for so long, but we have to let him get work done during the day so I have to pretend he isn't here.  After he finished working yesterday we went outside to play in the snow.  We bundled up Carter in his snow suit, and as soon as we were ready to go outside he fell asleep.  Jamie was dying to throw snow balls at him, but since he was sleeping he threw them at me instead.  Carter did manage to make a snow angel during that nap though.  I hope everyone enjoyed the snow!

Getting bundled up

Not happy about all of the layers

After I got hit with the snowball

Trying to get Kili to pose with us

I can't believe he slept the entire time

Sitting with Dad

Almost got all 3 of them looking and Carter covered his face at the last minute

Kili did not love the snow...the sheet of ice on top of it was confusing her

Carter the snow angel!

Warming up after our fun in the snow

1 Month Old

On 1/7/2011 Carter Rollins was 1 month old.  He had a great check-up with his doctor.  She was thrilled that he put on over 3 lbs. in 3 weeks.  He went from the 25% in weight to the 75%.  He is in the 50% for his height, and 25% for his head size.  He is starting to be more alert and awake everyday.  We are working on getting him on a schedule.  Jamie and I are reading Baby Wise and it seems to be helping.  Maybe it is all in our heads, but we like the concept.  He still has good days and fussy days, but that it to be expected of a newborn.  Here are a few of his likes and dislikes at 1 month old:

Riding in the car, he falls asleep right away
Taking a bath
His bouncing seat
Going out to eat
Passing Gas
Starring at the fan even when it's not on
Bouncing/Moving- it calms him when we bounce around
Music- he loves it when his mom makes up songs in the middle of the night

Sleeping in his crib (even though is getting used it now)
The dark
Putting on lotion after a bath
Being cold
Changing clothes
Diaper changes (well, I should really say cold wet wipes)

All in all he is a happy kid, and we are enjoying every second we spend with him!

Yes, that is a #1 written with baby lotion

Friday, January 7, 2011

So Popular

I'm obviously talking about Carter and not myself!  We have been very busy over the past few days meeting people for lunch and dinner.  Thursday we had lunch with Shannon and dinner with Katie and Kelly.  And today we meet Jill, Shay, Laurie, Kristin, Kara, and Emily for was Carter's first trip of many to a mexican restaurant!  Carter did great and slept through all of these meals!

He is doing great and becoming more and more alert everyday.  He is 1 month old today and he had his follow-up doctor appointment this morning.  He is 10 lbs!  He was 6 lbs 7 oz last time so he has put on some good weight.  He might have a linebacker on our hands!  We didn't get a chance to make his 1 month sign today, so I will do it tomorrow and post those pictures shortly.  Here are a few randoms though:

   New Year's Day

  Hanging out in my swing with my winter boots on

  Enjoying bath time

  Happy before mom puts lotion on me...I hate it when she does that!

I love my boots!

"Hmmm, that's a good question"   Carter deep in thought....

Woah, look at that belly!!

"You know I hate Coors!  Get me a Bud Light!"

Sunday, January 2, 2011

GT Baby

There is not doubt that Carter will be a GT fan considering all of the GT gear he has...seriously!  He does have a few GSU items, but needs more for sure, and sadly he doesn't own a single Notre Dame item....his mama will fix that soon enough!  Just thought I would post a picture of his cute gold booties that Ashley and Mike Shoemaker bought him, so cute!!  His onesie came from his cousin Carson and Aunt Stacy, it even says "Future Tailgater" on the butt.  Lastly, his hat came from Blair.  Apparently his parents don't buy him anything, ha!  Thank you everyone for the great gifts!  He wore it all during the bowl game...too bad it didn't bring the Jackets any luck.  Oh well, better luck next year!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year??

I put the question marks at the end because we have to assume new years happened b/c we were all asleep at midnight!  I woke up at 12:30 with Carter asleep on my chest and Jamie and Kili were passed out on the other end of the couch.  I decided not to wake Jamie up just to tell him we missed the count down, so I went back to sleep.  Quite different from the past, but we knew that was going to happen.  We did make it to an early dinner with Jamie's parents and had a great meal!  Deckert's on Ponce across from City Hall East is awesome!

We had plans to get out of the house today, but with the crappy weather and a fussy baby we decided to stay in and watch football.  It's 7:15 pm and Carter is the only one that has had a bath and changed clothes today.  Oh well, what can ya do?

I hope everyone had a great New Year's.  We have a lot to be thankful for this year, and I hope for the best in 2011!